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A superior  F1 Hybrid  which produces the most beautiful purple & white striped fruits. 

With a heavy yield and a  compact, dwarf habit  so they are ideal for a sunny patio or small greenhouses and vegetable plots.


When to Sow: Jan- Mar


Sow in pots  filled with damp compost and just cover with a little soil . Ideal temp 20°C. Transplant into individual pots once large enough to handle. Requires min temp of 15°C for growing on so if growing outside wait intil the weather warms, although best suited to greenhouse growing for the best results.

Plant out the following spring into final cropping position, into ground with plenty of well rotted manure and fertilizer. 


  • Classification: Half Hardy Annual
  • Germination Time: 2-3 weeks
  • Harvest Time:Jul - Sep


  • Site: Full Sun/ Sheltered Sun
  • Soil Type: Will grow in most soils
  • Soil Acidity: All Types
  • Moisture: Well drained
  • Care: Plants will need to be staked and growing tip pinched at 30cm tall. Allow 5 fruits to form and then remove all other lateral shoots and flowers. Water regularly and mist with water. Once fuit has set and begins to swell use a Pottasium rich fertilizer once a week
  • Use: Edible
  • Harvest: Wait until fruits are 12-15cm but still shiny. Dull fruits will turn bitter


  • Days to Maturity:  70-85 Days
  • Feed:Liquid Feed
  • Plant Spacing:  30cm

Aubergine Pinstripe F1

  • Info:

    8 Seeds per packet Approx

    Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.

    We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK sources.  

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