- Classification: Tender Annual
- Group: Tubers & Bulbs
- Harvest Time: Jun- Nov
- Site: Full Sun/ Part sun
- Soil Type: Will grow in most soils
- Soil Acidity: All Types
- Moisture: Well drained
- Care: Protect from Slugs and frost
Planting Instructions:
Tubers can be planted into pots of gerenal compost for pre sprouting and bottom heat can be used to speed up the process, this can be done from late winter through spring as long at the tubers are protected from frost. Alternatively wait until all risk of frost has passed and tubers can be planted straight into the hole where they are to flower.
Cover with a few cm of soil over the tuber and water well.
Growing Tips:
Pinch out the main shoots once the first 2 sets of leaves have formed ( around 20cm ) to encourange side shoots and branching. Support with canes or netting to prevent floppig.
Plant do not require a lot of feeding for a good display as long as the soil is not poor and is prepared before planting using manure and chicken pellets. Additional feed can be added through the growing season in the form of liquid feed such as liquid seaweed if required.
Harvest: Blooms can be cut when they are fully open. Cut regularly for new blooms and the best vase life. Turning the blooms to see if the back of the petals are browing will show if flowers are too old. Deadhead and cut low down/ deep for the longest stems. As a cut and come again Dahlias will continue to bloom if cut regularly right through to the first frost.
In milder regions plants can be cut down and heavily mulched and left in the ground as long as the soil is free draining.
Alternatively plants can be dug up after the first frosts and stored frost free over winter.
Dahlia Cornel Brons
Dahlia tubers will be dispatched in March ready for spring planting. Cuttings will be available from April and through May.