A very popular garden pea. A very heavy cropper with large well filled pods produced in pairs and good flavour. Peas are a great source of Vitamins A, B1 & C and Folica acid. For the sweetest flavour, pick young and cook within 30 minutes of harvest, before the sugar has turned to starch.
When to Sow: Feb - Jun
Sow in pots - Sow 3-4 seeds per 10cm pot filled with damp compost. Cover with 5cm of soil. Transplant to final cropping position once large enough to handle.
Sow Direct - into a prepared flat bottomed drill into 15cm wide flat drills. Sow ina zig zag pattern along the drill with 5cm spacing and cover with 5cm of soil. Firm gently and keep moist.
Classification: Annual
Germination Time: 2-3 weeks
Harvest Time:Jun - Aug
Site: Full Sun
Soil Type: Will grow in most soils
Soil Acidity: All Types
Moisture: Well drained
Care: early sowings will need cloche protection and young plants may need protection from birds with netting or twigs. Will need staking with peasticks or netting
Use: Edible
Harvest: Pick regularly for the best yield and to encourage a longer harvest period
Days to Maturity: 84 Days
Group: Peas & Beans
Plant Spacing: 5cm
Pea Maincrop Onward
100 Seeds per packet Approx
Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.
We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK sources.