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An early and vigarous variety with outstanding flavour and a long cropping period.  This striking bean has both purple flowers and stems followed by purple pods, which turn dark green once cooked.  Also a great cliber for the garden! 
French beans are a good source of vitamins A&K, and folic acid. 


When to Sow: Apr- Jun


Sow in pots - Sow 3-4  seeds per 10cm pot  filled with damp compost. Cover with 5cm of soil. Ideal temp 16°C.  Grow on until all risk of frost has passed, then harden off before transplating out into final cropping location.

Sow direct after risk of frost has passed and soil is warmed - into drills in a prepared seed bed 10-15cm appart.

  • Classification: Half Hardy Annual
  • Group: Peas & Beans
  • Germination Time: 1-2 weeks


  • Harvest Time: Jul- Sep
  • Site: Full/ Sheltered Sun
  • Soil Type: Clay/ Chalk
  • Soil Acidity: All Types
  • Moisture: Well draine
  • dCare: Will need staking to a framework of canes or netting. Water welll and mulch to keep moist in dry spells.
  • Use: Edible
  • Harvest: When the pods are young and tender, pick young and often to encourage a longer harvest period.


  • Days to Maturity:  84 Days
  • Feed:Manure
  • Height:2-2.5m
  • Plant Spacing:  10-15cm

Climbing Fench Bean Cosse Violette

  • Info:

    25 Seeds per packet Approx

    Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.

    We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK sources.  

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