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A fast growing outdoor type producing lots  of small slightly prickly fruits which are  ideal for pickling. Open Pollinated so ideal for seed saving.


When to Sow: Feb - May


Sow indoors  - Individually in pots or moudules of moist well drained compost in their edge to prevent rotting, and cover with a 1cm of soil . Ideal Temp 20°C. Keep moist - would benefit from a propagation lid.
Protect leaves from scorching by direct sunlight. Grow on until around 10cm tall transplating as  necessary to larger pots before plating in their final position. Can be planted in the ground or in pots/growbags. Harden off in planting outdoors after the risk of frost has passed.
Grow against a support structure or canes and tie in as needed.


  • Classification: Half Hardy Annual
  • Expert Level:  Easy to Grow
  • Germination Time: 1-2 weeks


  • Harvest  Time:Jun - Sep
  • Site: Full Sun
  • Soil Type: Chalk/ Sand/ Loam
  • Soil Acidity: All Types
  • Moisture: Well drained
  • Care:  Water regularly and feed once the fruits start to set with high pottasium fertilizer  . Can be pinched after first 7 sets of leaves have formed to promote side shoots. Do not remove male flowers, requires insect poillination. Spray the floor of the greenhouse with water regularly during hot weather to maintain humidity, but give good ventilation to avoid disease.
  • Use: Edible
  • Harvest : Pick regularly as older fruits can become bitter


  • Days to Maturity:  84 Days
  • Feed:Manure & Liquid Feed
  • Plant Spacing:  20cm

Cucumber Gherkin National

  • Info:

    20 Seeds per packet Approx

    Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.

    We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK sources.  

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