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Grow your very own natural sponges. These unique gourds develop into fibrous, sponge-like structures, perfect for eco-friendly bathing and  household use.  They have a habit much like cucumbers  and are real heat lovers.


When to Sow: Feb - May

Sow Indoors in pots 1cm deep into moist compost. Ideal temp 21-24°C. Use of a propagator lid will keep soil moist and aid germination. Protect from direct sunlight as seedlings will easily scorch. Grow  on at 15- 20°C minimum, transplating as necessary  with plenty of organic matter and keep well watered. Grow in a greenhouse for best results and provide a framework for stems to grow over. 


  • Classification: Half Hardy Annual
  • Expert Level:  Medium
  • Germination Time: 1-2 Weeks
  • Harvest Time: Aug - Oct


  • Site: Full Sun
  • Soil Type: Chalk/ Sand/ Loam
  • Soil Acidity: All Types
  • Moisture: Well drained/moist
  • Care: Keep well watered and feed regularly.  Pinch main stem when 4 sets of leaves have formed to encourage branching.
  • Use: Edible & Ornamental
  • Harvest: young for edible fruits and for ornamental use wait until the skin turn brown and the fruit feels light . Remove the outser skin and seeds, leaving a fibrous core  which will need to be washed  prior to use.


  • Days to Maturity:  120 Days
  • Feed: Blanced fertilizer + Tomato feed once fruits have set
  • Height: 3m
  • Plant Spacing:  30cm

Luffa Cylindrica

  • Note:

    15 Seeds per packet Approx 

    Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.

    We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK flower farms 

  • Country Of Origin


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