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A must for summer bouquets, plants producing a profusion of beautiful bloooms on tall spikes. This is seriously one of the easiest flowers to grow and also dries very well.


Note: All parts of larkspur are poisonous - including the seeds so protect hands and do not ingest


When to Sow: Sep - Apr


HOW TO SOW: Sow under glass autumn-winter. Surface sow very thinly onto moist, well-drained seed compost. Just cover seed with a sprinkling of vermiculite. Ideal temp. 15-18°C. A propagator will aid quicker germination. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to individual pots and grown on under glass. Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed.


Spring Sowing  - place the seeds into the fridge for 2 weeks before sowing to cold stratify. Transplant seedlings into a cell tray and once grown pot on into an 8cm pot.


Seedlings are very frost tolerant and autumn sowings will do very well.


  • Classification: Hardy Annual
  • Expert Level: Medium
  • Germination Time: 1-3 Weeks


  • Site: FullSun / Partial Sun
  • Soil Type: Will grow in most soils
  • Soil Acidity: All Types
  • Mositure: Well drained
  • Care: May need staking. For the best flower spikes thin shoots when 7cm tall to 2-3 shoots. Cutting back spent flower spikes with encorage smaller sideshoots
  • Use: Cut Flowers, Garden Borders, Dried seed pods 
  • Harvesting: Harvest with only one third of blooms open
  • Days to Maturity: 110-120 Days


  • Vase Life: 5 - 7 Days
  • Height: 90-120cm
  • Plant Spacing: 20cm

Delphinium Consolida (Larkspur) "QIS Rose"

Out of Stock
  • 235 Seeds per packet Approx


    Please note that the majority of our seeds are packed by volume so the number of seeds indicated is an approximation.

    We make every effort to provide British seeds where possible, but in some cases our British Growers are unable to grow in sufficient quantities to meet our demand or the seeds are subject to Plant breeders' rights which means it is only possible for us to buy these seeds from certain non UK flower farms 

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