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Breeding Dahlias

Jane Westoby

Dahlias can be propagated in one of 3 ways: from splitting tubers, from cuttings and from seeds. Propagation from tubers and cuttings will clone the parent, so all the new plants will be identical to the parent.  However, propagation from seed allows new variations to occur and that's when the magic really happens!

Dahlias are octoploids which means that they have eight sets of chromosomes rather than two. This means there is much more variation with literally millions of different possible combinations so each seed is almost totally unique. Even if gathered from the same seed head each seed will be genetically different and produce different  characteristics.​Breeding dahlias involves a careful and systematic process to create new varieties with desired characteristics.  

There are many breeders across the world who plant thousands of seeds each year and hope to produce something even more beautiful than the parents however due to dominant and recessive traits it's not that easy. Many of the traits we think are the most beautiful are unfortunately recessive so will not occur very often, and there are so many traits that getting the stars to align is a bit tricky too.



Petal Count

Stem length


Bloom Time

Bloom Presentation

Tuber Production


Stem thickness

Vase Life

To begin, select parent plants with traits such as flower colour, size, shape, and plant habit that you wish to incorporate into the new hybrids.  Pollination can be done in one of three ways depending on the outcomes you want, personal preference and expert ability: 

1. Open Pollination - Simply let nature do all the work. This method is good for dahlias with open centres. Simply put it's easy for an insect to cross pollinate as they have easy access to the centre of the bloom. They are most likely to be carrying pollen from another open centred bloom so its more likely that these seeds will produce open centred blooms. In addition open centres are a dominant trait. This does work for double forms of Dahlias but you may need to strip some of the petals to make it easier for the bees to gain access. Expert breeders are able to grow their crops inside special hoophouses, and release large batches of insects into the space to do the work - for instance a hive of bees or even flies. This will help to produce a large number of seeds almost naturally.

2. Plant Culling - Here you can still let nature do all of the work but by removing all flowers on plants where you do not want cross pollination you can eliminate the genetics you do not want to replicate. So by removing certain colours or forms you can narrow down your end result with more favourable odds.

3. Hand Pollination - by combining the genetics from two favourable plants you are likely to get the most success, (but is not guaranteed). Good seed and pollen parents will produce the most viable seeds so it pays to choose wisely and if you can find good seed and pollen parents then these can be used repeatedly. Cover flowers with mesh bags to protect them from any contamination as soon as the flower buds appear, and again after pollination. Cross-pollinate the parent plants by transferring pollen from one flower's stamen (male reproductive organ) to another flower's stigma (female reproductive organ)

Dahlia in mesh bag

Be sure to label the parent plants if using hand pollination and record the cross for future reference. After pollination, collect seeds from the pollinated flowers once they have formed seed pods (it will take around 6-8 weeks for the seeds to mature) They should be harvested when they are elongated and dark brown or black.

Green seeds or seeds which are not elongated will not have been pollinated and will never germinate. Allow the seeds to mature and dry, separate the seeds from the chaff and dry inside for a couple of days before storing in a labelled brown envelope. From open pollinated seeds you should be able to get seeds heads full of ripe seeds.( 50+) but from a hand pollinated seed only a handful - the bees do a much better job than we can ever do!

When sowing the seeds, provide them with the appropriate growing conditions, including well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. As the seedlings grow, observe their development and select for desirable traits. It's important to note that not all seedlings will exhibit the desired characteristics, so multiple generations of breeding may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

With patience, dedication, and careful selection, breeders can create new and unique dahlia varieties that contribute to the diversity needed for their client base . 

Visit our pages Growing Dahlias and Storing Dahlias for more information. 

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